Tuesday, June 16, 2015

PDF⋙ Bombs, IEDs, and Explosives: Identification, Investigation, and Disposal Techniques by Paul R. Laska

Bombs, IEDs, and Explosives: Identification, Investigation, and Disposal Techniques by Paul R. Laska

Bombs, IEDs, and Explosives: Identification, Investigation, and Disposal Techniques

Bombs, IEDs, and Explosives: Identification, Investigation, and Disposal Techniques by Paul R. Laska PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A guide on procedures, administration, and equipment, Bombs, IEDs, and Explosives: Identification, Investigation, and Disposal Techniques introduces concepts, basic knowledge, and necessary skill sets for bomb technicians. It covers topics such as training resources, bomb threat and incident response, legal aspects of bomb disposal, explosives and improvised explosive devices (IEDs), bomb technology, bomb disposal equipment, and explosive evidence handling.

The book outlines where bomb squads and technicians have historically been placed within the public safety system and suggests where they should ideally fit according to their function. It details specific standard operating procedures (SOPs) for various bomb threat and response scenarios, discusses protocols for requesting and supporting a bomb squad response, and addresses legal and forensic aspects of handling and associated recordkeeping.

With the growing threat of chemical, biology, and radiological terrorism, the book recommends a stronger alliance of bomb disposal and hazardous materials response teams. Such alliances—in conjunction with increased interorganizational coordination between public safety divisions, such as police and fire departments—will lead to more effective responses to incidents and threats.

The field of bomb disposal is constantly evolving. Bombers and bombmakers, especially those associated with terrorist organizations, study emergency responses to incidents to modify their devices for increased effectiveness. This book stresses the need for flexibility and creativity in response. Bombs, IEDs, and Explosives provides a ready reference on a wide variety of technical, administrative, and legal information that makes it indispensable to bomb disposal professionals and units.

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