Wednesday, October 29, 2014

PDF⋙ American Heathens: The Politics of Identity in a Pagan Religious Movement by Jennifer Snook

American Heathens: The Politics of Identity in a Pagan Religious Movement by Jennifer Snook

American Heathens: The Politics of Identity in a Pagan Religious Movement

American Heathens: The Politics of Identity in a Pagan Religious Movement by Jennifer Snook PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

American Heathens is the first in-depth ethnographic study about the largely misunderstood practice of American Heathenry (Germanic Paganism). Jennifer Snook—who has been Pagan since her early teens and a Heathen since eighteen—traces the development and trajectory of Heathenry as a new religious movement in America, one in which all identities are political and all politics matter.

Snook explores the complexities of pagan reconstruction and racial, ethnic and gender identity in today’s divisive political climate. She considers the impact of social media on Heathen collectivities, and offers a glimpse of the world of Heathen meanings, rituals, and philosophy.

In American Heathens, Snook presents the stories and perspectives of modern practitioners in engaging detail. She treats Heathens as members of a religious movement, rather than simply a subculture reenacting myths and stories of enchantment. Her book shrewdly addresses how people construct ethnicity in a reconstructionist (historically-minded) faith system with no central authority.

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John Smithers:

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American Heathens: The Politics of Identity in a Pagan Religious Movement by Jennifer Snook EPub

Monday, October 27, 2014

PDF⋙ Narratives and Narrators: A Philosophy of Stories by Gregory Currie

Narratives and Narrators: A Philosophy of Stories by Gregory Currie

Narratives and Narrators: A Philosophy of Stories

Narratives and Narrators: A Philosophy of Stories by Gregory Currie PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Narratives are artefacts of a special kind: they are intentionally crafted devices which fulfil their story-telling function by manifesting the intentions of their makers. But narrative itself is too inclusive a category for much more to be said about it than this; we should focus attention instead on the vaguely defined but interesting category of things rich in narrative structure. Such devices offer significant possibilities, not merely for the representation of stories, but for the expression of point of view; they have also played an important role in the evolution of reliable communication. Narratives and narrators argues that much of the pleasure of narrative communication depends on deep-seated and early developing tendencies in human beings to imitation and to joint attention, and imitation turns out to be the key to understanding such important literary techniques as free indirect discourse and character-focused narration. The book also examines irony in narrative, with an emphasis on the idea of the expression of ironic points of view. It looks closely at the idea of character, or robust, situation-independent ways of acting and thinking, as it is represented in narrative. It asks whether scepticism about the notion of character should have us reassess the dramatic and literary tradition which places such emphasis on character.

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Sunday, October 26, 2014

PDF⋙ The Ultimate Guide to Wildlife of North America by Bryan Richard

The Ultimate Guide to Wildlife of North America by Bryan Richard

The Ultimate Guide to Wildlife of North America

The Ultimate Guide to Wildlife of North America by Bryan Richard PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

From reader reviews:

Celia Norton:

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Monday, October 20, 2014

PDF⋙ Digital Mammography (Medical Radiology)

Digital Mammography (Medical Radiology)

Digital Mammography (Medical Radiology)

Digital Mammography (Medical Radiology) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Digital Radiography has been ? rmly established in diagnostic radiology during the last decade. Because of the special requirements of high contrast and spatial resolution needed for roentgen mammography, it took some more time to develop digital m- mography as a routine radiological tool. Recent technological progress in detector and screen design as well as increased ex- rience with computer applications for image processing have now enabled Digital Mammography to become a mature modality that opens new perspectives for the diag- sis of breast diseases. The editors of this timely new volume Prof. Dr. U. Bick and Dr. F. Diekmann, both well-known international leaders in breast imaging, have for many years been very active in the frontiers of theoretical and translational clinical research, needed to bring digital mammography ? nally into the sphere of daily clinical radiology. I am very much indebted to the editors as well as to the other internationally rec- nized experts in the ? eld for their outstanding state of the art contributions to this v- ume. It is indeed an excellent handbook that covers in depth all aspects of Digital Mammography and thus further enriches our book series Medical Radiology. The highly informative text as well as the numerous well-chosen superb illustrations will enable certi? ed radiologists as well as radiologists in training to deepen their knowledge in modern breast imaging.

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Arlene Wilson:

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Sunday, October 19, 2014

PDF⋙ Nutrition and Genomics: Issues of Ethics, Law, Regulation and Communication

Nutrition and Genomics: Issues of Ethics, Law, Regulation and Communication

Nutrition and Genomics: Issues of Ethics, Law, Regulation and Communication

Nutrition and Genomics: Issues of Ethics, Law, Regulation and Communication PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Nutrigenomics is the rapidly developing field of science that studies nutrient-gene interaction. This field has broad implications for understanding the interaction of human genomics and nutrition, but can also have very specific implications for individual dietary recommendations in light of personal genetics. Predicted applications for nutrigenomics include genomics-based dietary guidelines and personalized nutrition based on individual genetic tests. These developments have sweeping ethical, legal and regulatory implications for individuals, corporations and governments.

This book brings together experts in ethics, law, regulatory analysis, and communication studies to identify and address relevant issues in the emerging field of nutritional genomics. Contributing authors are experts in the social aspects of biotechnology innovation, with expertise in nutrigenomics.

From addressing the concern that nutrigenomics will transform food into medicine and undermine pleasures associated with eating to the latest in the science of nutrigenomics, this book provides a world-wide perspective on the potential impact of nutrigenomics on our association with food.

*Explores the rapidly developing, yet not fully understood, impact of nutrigenomics on the relationship to food medicalization, genetic privacy, nutrition and health.
*Provides ground for further exploration to identify issues and provide analysis to aid in policy and regulation development
*Provides ethical and legal insights into this unfolding science, as well as serving as a model for thinking about issues arising in other fields of science and technology

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Gary Glover:

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Thursday, October 16, 2014

PDF⋙ A Study of Video Teleconferencing Traffic on a TCP/IP Network by Harlan A. Carvey

A Study of Video Teleconferencing Traffic on a TCP/IP Network by Harlan A. Carvey

A Study of Video Teleconferencing Traffic on a TCP/IP Network

A Study of Video Teleconferencing Traffic on a TCP/IP Network by Harlan A. Carvey PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

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Kenneth Williams:

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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

PDF⋙ Islanded: Britain, Sri Lanka, and the Bounds of an Indian Ocean Colony by Sujit Sivasundaram

Islanded: Britain, Sri Lanka, and the Bounds of an Indian Ocean Colony by Sujit Sivasundaram

Islanded: Britain, Sri Lanka, and the Bounds of an Indian Ocean Colony

Islanded: Britain, Sri Lanka, and the Bounds of an Indian Ocean Colony by Sujit Sivasundaram PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

How did the British come to conquer South Asia in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries? Answers to this question usually start in northern India, neglecting the dramatic events that marked Britain’s contemporaneous subjugation of the island of Sri Lanka. In Islanded, Sujit Sivasundaram reconsiders the arrival of British rule in South Asia as a dynamic and unfinished process of territorialization and state building, revealing that the British colonial project was framed by the island’s traditions and maritime placement and built in part on the model they provided.


Using palm-leaf manuscripts from Sri Lanka to read the official colonial archive, Sivasundaram tells the story of two sets of islanders in combat and collaboration. He explores how the British organized the process of “islanding”: they aimed to create a separable unit of colonial governance and trade in keeping with conceptions of ethnology, culture, and geography. But rather than serving as a radical rupture, he reveals, islanding recycled traditions the British learned from Kandy, a kingdom in the Sri Lankan highlands whose customs—from strategies of war to views of nature—fascinated the British. Picking up a range of unusual themes, from migration, orientalism, and ethnography to botany, medicine, and education, Islanded is an engaging retelling of the advent of British rule.

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Monday, October 13, 2014

PDF⋙ Genre and Television: From Cop Shows to Cartoons in American Culture by Jason Mittell

Genre and Television: From Cop Shows to Cartoons in American Culture by Jason Mittell

Genre and Television: From Cop Shows to Cartoons in American Culture

Genre and Television: From Cop Shows to Cartoons in American Culture by Jason Mittell PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Genre and Television proposes a new understanding of television genres as cultural categories, offering a set of in-depth historical and critical examinations to explore five key aspects of television genre: history, industry, audience, text, and genre mixing. Drawing on well-known television programs from Dragnet to The Simpsons, this book provides a new model of genre historiography and illustrates how genres are at work within nearly every facet of television-from policy decisions to production techniques to audience practices. Ultimately, the book argues that through analyzing how television genre operates as a cultural practice, we can better comprehend how television actively shapes our social world.

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Terri Mitchell:

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Sunday, October 12, 2014

PDF⋙ Unfolding the 'Comfort Women' Debates: Modernity, Violence, Women's Voices (Genders and Sexualities in History) by Kimura

Unfolding the 'Comfort Women' Debates: Modernity, Violence, Women's Voices (Genders and Sexualities in History) by Kimura

Unfolding the 'Comfort Women' Debates: Modernity, Violence, Women's Voices (Genders and Sexualities in History)

Unfolding the 'Comfort Women' Debates: Modernity, Violence, Women's Voices (Genders and Sexualities in History) by Kimura PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This study offers a fresh perspective on the 'comfort women' debates. It argues that the system can be understood as the mechanism of the intersectional oppression of gender, race, class and colonialism, while illuminating the importance of testimonies of victim-survivors as the site where women recover and gain their voices and agencies.

From reader reviews:

James Bardsley:

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Monday, October 6, 2014

PDF⋙ Origins and Development of Musical Instruments by Jeremy Montagu

Origins and Development of Musical Instruments by Jeremy Montagu

Origins and Development of Musical Instruments

Origins and Development of Musical Instruments by Jeremy Montagu PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Origins and Development of Musical Instruments describes the creation, use, and development of musical instruments from the Old Stone Age to the present day. Musical instruments, from the simplest whistles to the most complex organs, conch trumpets to sousaphones, archers' and musical bows to violins and pianos, the most basic straw reeds to the modern MIDI systems, and pairs of stones struck together to synthesizers, are all described here by instrument collector and expert Jeremy Montagu. Montagu speculates on how these instruments originated in the earliest days of humanity and relates how they moved from one culture to another through history, all the while changing and developing until they became the instruments we know today. The book also surveys the present uses of instruments throughout the world. Each chapter is devoted to a different type of instrument. Intervals and additional sections enhance the volume with information on musicians, the Medieval Renaissance, the ideal accompaniment, archaeology, symbiotic and newly created instruments, classification of instruments, scales and music, and some of the problems of acoustics. This comprehensive volume is illustrated with over 120 photos capturing several hundred instruments from all over the world; many of them from the author's own collection of over 2,500 instruments. A copious bibliography of sources, three indexes, and a series of maps make this a priceless resource.

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Saturday, October 4, 2014

PDF⋙ 2 Samuel (Forms of the Old Testament Literature) by Antony F. Campbell

2 Samuel (Forms of the Old Testament Literature) by Antony F. Campbell

2 Samuel (Forms of the Old Testament Literature)

2 Samuel (Forms of the Old Testament Literature) by Antony F. Campbell PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The Forms of the Old Testament Literature series (FOTL) aims to present, according to a standard outline and methodology, a form-critical analysis of every book and each unit in the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible). Fundamentally exegetical, the FOTL volumes examine the "structure, genre, setting," and "intention" of the biblical literature in question. Designed to be used alongside a Hebrew text or a translation of the Bible, the series is meant primarily to lead the student to the Old Testament texts themselves, not just to form-critical studies of the texts. Each volume includes thorough bibliographies and a glossary of the genres and formulas identified in the commentary.

From reader reviews:

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Friday, October 3, 2014

PDF⋙ Clever: Leading Your Smartest, Most Creative People by Rob Goffee, Gareth Jones

Clever: Leading Your Smartest, Most Creative People by Rob Goffee, Gareth Jones

Clever: Leading Your Smartest, Most Creative People

Clever: Leading Your Smartest, Most Creative People by Rob Goffee, Gareth Jones PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

If your company is like most, it has a handful of people who generate disproportionate quantities of value: A researcher creates products that bankroll the entire organization for decades. A manager spots consumer-spending patterns no one else sees and defines new market categories your enterprise can serve. A strategist anticipates global changes and correctly interprets their business implications.

Companies' competitiveness, even survival, increasingly hinge on such "clever people." But the truth is, clever people are as fiercely independent as they are clever-they don't want to be led. So how do you corral these players in your organization and inspire them to achieve their highest potential?

In Clever, Rob Goffee and Gareth Jones offer potent insights drawn from their extensive research. The authors explain how to:

-Identify your clever people and their motivations

-Shelter your "clevers" from political distractions that can inhibit their productivity

-Help clevers generate even more value by creating clever teams

-Manage the unique tensions that can arise when clevers work together

Leading clever people can be enormously challenging, yet doing so effectively is the key to your organization's sustained success. Lively and engaging, this book provides the ideas, practices, and examples you need to create an environment where your most brilliant people can flourish.

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